Know your flood hazard
Many folks think that if they haven’t been flooded yet, they never will be. However, it’s just not so. Aurora's last significant flood was in September 2013. Additional information about this flood can be found in:
Severe Flooding on the Colorado Front Range
City of Aurora, September Flood Initial Report
Am I at risk of a flood?
YES! Every home or property is at some level of risk for flooding.
Call 303.739.7532 for assistance in determining your flood risk.
The Mile High Flood District One Rain site has an alert system that includes real-time data pages showing forecasts for weather, rainfall and rivers, as well as flood maps, USGS gauges, and a water level summary.
Other resources for determining flood risk include an interactive map from the Mile High Flood District or this interactive city flood risk map. 
Learn more about Knowing Your Flood Risk.
What is Aurora doing to reduce the threat of flooding?
Aurora Water partners with the Mile High Flood District to identify projects to help protect the city from flooding. The status on many of our current projects can be found here.
My park seems to flood easily. Can something be done to prevent this?
Many of Aurora's parks are intentionally designed to hold flood waters when our storm drain systems are overwhelmed. This has helped protect many neighborhoods from extensive damage. We also use some of our flood retention areas as recreational areas. Here's a good video that helps explain this.