Fiber Optic Review
Departments/divisions that review fiber optic locations and plan sets:
Permit Counter (email [email protected]): Intake of application (plan set and public improvement application) (linear feet, bore, trench, handholes, potholes and utilities call-outs must match plan set, and cover sheet set on plan set must have scope of work within a table)
Public Improvement Application (see example):
Fiber Optic-Power Cabinet Application
Fiber Optic-Power Cabinet Application (fillable form)
Engineering: Utilities (not owned by Aurora Water), right of way, easements, sidewalks, driveways and PE stamp
Roadway Design and Construction Specifications Manual
Traffic: Traffic signals, equipment, clear zone and sight triangles
Traffic Impact Study Guidelines
Water: Existing Aurora Water utilities (includes raw water lines, critical water, fire hydrants and protected waters)
Aurora Water GIS Data Agreement Form
Email GIS data agreement form to [email protected]
Storm GIS Layers
Water GIS Layers
Stormwater and Wastewater Overview Map
City Engineer: Overview of Plan Set
Parks, Recreation and Open Space: Bore/trench away from tree roots/canopy of tree line
Aurora Trees GIS
Planning: Coming soon!
Flood Plains Engineer: Boundaries of floodplain/floodway
NFHL Flood GIS Map
Transportation Projects and Deliveries:
City Design Standards