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Running For Office

Upcoming Election Date:  November 4, 2025
Offices for Election: 
Ward I, Ward II, Ward III, and (2) At-large

Aurora's elections are non-partisan, where elected officials are elected to office without consideration of political party. The mayor and council members serve staggered four-year terms. The terms begin at the commencement of the first regular council meeting in December after the election for the specific office. Elections for municipal office are held on the first Tuesday in November in odd-numbered years.

City Council consists of eleven (11) members:

  • Mayor: One (1) mayor who represents the entire city
  • At-large Council Members: Four (4) members who represent the entire city
  • Ward Council Members: Six (6) members who represent a specific ward

Nomination Petitions

Candidates for office are nominated by petition sections supplied by the City Clerk. Candidates become certified after their petition sections are approved. The City Clerk's Office will announce when the nomination petition sections may be picked up and when they must be filed. 

Nomination petitions require a certain number of signatures depending on the office being sought:

  • Mayor and At-Large Council Members: A minimum of one hundred (100) valid signatures of registered electors residing anywhere within the city of Aurora. A registered elector may sign no more than ONE candidate petition for the office of mayor, and no more than TWO at-large candidate petitions.
  • City Council Ward Requirements - A minimum of fifty (50) valid signatures of registered electors residing within their ward. A registered elector may sign only ONE ward candidate petition.

Political Signs & Advertisements

Signs are regulated in a content-neutral manner to be consistent with the U.S. and Colorado Constitution, laws, and court decisions. Please examine Chapter 146-4 of the Unified Development Ordinance to make sure your signs are in compliance
with the provisions of the UDO.

Section 54-104.5 of the City Code outlines the provisions for disclaimers for political advertisements.

Electioneering is prohibited from taking place inside a polling location, within 100 feet of any building in which a polling location is located, and within 100 feet of a drop-box, pursuant to C.R.S. Section 1-13-714. Any political signs in violation of this state statute will be removed.

Campaign Finance

Candidates and committees are required to comply with campaign finance requirements outlined in Aurora City Code Article IV. Additional information and the portal to register and file finance reports can be found on the campaign finance webpage.

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