*The Aurora Dance Arts Winter Break from all dance classes, Continuous and Recreational, runs from Sunday, Dec. 22 thru Saturday, Jan. 4. NO classes or rehearsals on any of these dates.
*Please also note that because we are on Winter Break from classes, Ms. Maggie and the Dance Office staff will be in for normal business hours through Friday, Dec. 20. The Dance Office will be closed from Dec. 23 through Jan. 5.
*Though the Dance Office is officially closed during the dates stated above, we will be checking voicemails and e-mails as consistently as possible. And we will try to get back to you with expedience during the Winter Break, especially if you are interested in getting registered for the 5-Month Continuous Dance Program.
*All dance classes resume as of Sunday, Jan. 5 and the Dance Office reopens on Jan. 6!
*Please enjoy some rest and relaxation during the Winter Break.