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Aurora Water hosted three Drought Town Halls

These meetings discussed topics specific to home owners associations and landscape/irrigation companies, such as:

  • Watering restrictions and the health of your landscape
  • Drought surcharges
  • Water conservation best practices, our services and rebates
  • The benefits of participating in the Variance Program during drought.

The presentation from those meetings can be found here

HOA Water-wise landscape

Drought FAQ

Colorado has experienced below-average precipitation since 2020, leaving our water supplies below normal levels. A Stage I drought has been declared, so watering is only allowed two days a week and is prohibited between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Here are some answers to common questions about drought:

What does Stage I mean?

Aurora’s Water Management Plan outlines several drought stages and, based on water supply and forecasts, it outlines various steps that should be taken to reduce water usage. By proactively implementing progressive restrictions, we can hopefully avoid more drastic measures. Normal is in effect when our water supply is sufficient to meet 30 months or more of anticipated demands. Watering is limited to no more than three days per week, with no water permitted between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. from May 1 to Sept. 30.

How will water customers be notified of drought stages?

Aurora Water will notify customers by mail of the drought stage change and will provide information on any watering restrictions that might be in place. Updates will also be provided on our website, Aurora’s Water social media channels (Twitter @AuroraWaterCO, Facebook @AuroraWater and, the city’s News Aurora newsletter that accompanies the water bill and This is Aurora email newsletter. Customers can call 303.739.7195 for additional information.

Since we’re in a drought, should I just stop watering our turf?

Now would be a great time to replace some of your common areas with a water-wise landscape, but you don't need to stop watering if you have functional, healthy turf. Adhere to the requirements of the current drought stage. We recommend working with your landscaper to follow the guidance on our watering times page. During the hottest summer months, your grass can go dormant (but it's not dead.) Check out this article on dormancy.
Consider our Grass Replacement Incentive Program, and let us help you turn that thirsty grass into a beautiful water-wise landscape. You can receive a rebate by switching over to a water-wise landscape. Make sure to read through the GRIP manual for HOA/Large properties

I am with an HOA and our covenants require that residents keep their lawns green, but that might not be reasonable this summer. What should we do?

Aurora Water and the city’s Department of Housing and Community Services are reaching out to homeowners’ associations to explain how droughts and watering restrictions will affect lawns. Stage 1 drought requires all types of properties to reduce their watering days to twice per week. Per Aurora city code, homeowner's associations cannot penalize residents for yellowing turf lawns because of watering restrictions. Based on C.R.S. 37-60-126(11)(c)(I), HOAs cannot levy fines or violations for failure to water turf when drought restrictions are in place. It states that “no enforcement action shall require that a unit owner water in violation of water use restrictions declared by the jurisdiction in which the common interest community is located, in which case the unit owner shall water his or her landscaping appropriately but not in excess of any watering restrictions imposed by the water provider for the common interest community”. A “common interest community” means real estate described in a declaration with respect to which a person, by virtue of such person’s ownership of a unit, is obligated to pay for real estate taxes, insurance premiums, maintenance, or improvement of real estate described in a declaration.

How can we keep better track of our water use?

Keeping track of water use and comparing water use over time is basic information that properties need. Aurora Water bills can be sent to multiple contacts in paper or electronic form. Contact our Billing department at 303.739.7388 to double-check who is receiving your bills.
Large properties are eligible for a program called the Watering Variance Program, which reports actual water use compared to recommended use to up to three contacts and exempts participating properties from day-per-week watering restrictions. For Drought Stage 1, participants are asked to reduce their outdoor water use by 20%.
Finally, we are in the middle of upgrading our standard meters to smart meters. These smart meters transmit readings hourly instead of monthly, so we will have more data to help customers understand their water use. Customers can also access this data through EyeOnWater, a free website and app that can set leak alerts. Sign up for EyeOnWater with your Aurora Water account number. If you need additional help setting up your EyeOnWater account, call Billing at 303.739.7388.

What is the surcharge on my bill?

Stage I drought results in surcharges of $1.95 per thousand gallons on top of the existing water rates, beginning in tier II for residential customers and for usage above 110% of the winter quarter average for commercial and multifamily customers. The winter quarter average represents your indoor use in December, January and February and is used to calculate your sewer charges. Find your winter quarter average on your water bill under "Sewer Usage Chg."

How do I report a watering violation?

You can call our Water Conservation Hotline at 303.739.7195 or file a report online using the Access Aurora app or at

How is the water wasting ordinance enforced?

Most properties want to do their part to conserve and, in most cases, are not intentionally wasting water. Providing information and alerting to a possible water-wasting issue is far more effective and is always our first step. Aurora Water staff patrol the city to identify and witness water wasting. We also receive messages from community members that we investigate and verify before considering enforcement actions. Aurora Water will issue penalties for water-wasting violations if needed. Multifamily, commercial and irrigation accounts are penalized $500 for the first violation. Subsequent violations increase.

What else can I do to conserve water, and can I get help?

Water Conservation offers a host of free programs to help you reduce water usage. Our indoor water assessments can help you detect leaks, monitor your water usage, and check if your showerheads and faucets are high-efficiency models. We also provide outdoor water assessments to help check your automated sprinkler system. Visit the Commercial, HOA and Large Property Rebates and Resources webpage to learn more about our programs.

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