Aurora Water offers income-qualified residents a FREE water-wise landscape replacement through our GreatScapes program. The program enhances the appearance of Aurora’s neighborhoods while demonstrating how great landscapes can be created and maintained with little water.
If your property qualifies, we will replace your existing yard with a custom-designed, low-water landscape.
To qualify for GreatScapes:
- The residence must be owner-occupied with a front yard of 1,800 square feet or less.
- Participants must agree to maintain the landscape after installation is complete.
- Participants must be a verified recipients of the Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) or have a household income of 60% or less than the Aurora median income. The qualification is based on your yearly gross income and the number of members in your household.
Household Size
60% of Median Income
Qualified and selected GreatScapes program participants have two options:
1. Water-wise landscape design without your input. Customers may suggest plant material from the z-zone plant list but will have no input regarding the project design.
2. Water-wise design with your input. The customer will create a list of desired plants from the z-zone plant list and meet with the water conservation landscape designer.
For more information, call 303.739.7195 or email [email protected]. Funds are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis, so apply today.