The Aurora Police Department has a professional and well-respected traffic section. They conduct trainings for officers from around the Denver metro area, and have been called to assist other agencies with accident reconstruction.
The Traffic Section is comprised of a DUI Enforcement Unit, Traffic Investigations Unit which investigated felony traffic case and hit and run accidents, a Motor Carrier Safety Unit, H.E.A.T Unit and the Motorcycle Enforcement Team (MET).
Officers assigned to the DUI Enforcement Unit and Traffic Investigations Unit respond to accidents within the city to conduct accident investigations. Their expertise allows the accident scene to be reconstructed later in court during the prosecution of serious accidents.
The DUI Enforcement Team plans and implements DUI checkpoints in an effort to reduce the problem of drinking and driving.
In 2015 the Traffic Section implemented the Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic (H.E.A.T.) Team. The mission of the team is to will be the safety of the drivers traveling on the I-225 and I-70 state highways in Aurora. This will be accomplished with high visibility patrols during peak traffic times, speed limit enforcement, seatbelt /child seat enforcement, stopping distracted drivers, aggressive drivers, impaired drivers, and response to all crashes occurring on the highways.
Our overall goals of the H.E.A.T Team is to reduce and eliminate fatalities and SBI crashes, create and promote a safer driving culture, and educate the public on the importance of driving safely.
Traffic Section Officers participate in motorcades when a VIP, such as the President of the United States, travels to, or through, Aurora.