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Council Meetings

February 10, 2025 Council Meetings Conducted Virtually

The Study Session and Regular Council Meeting for February 10, 2025 will be conducted virtually. Members of the public and media are invited to view or listen live to the Study Session and Council Meeting through the options below:
Comcast Channels 8 and 880 in Aurora
AuroraTV streaming app

Public Comment on February 10, 2025

Individuals wishing to comment either during Public Invited to be Heard or comment in support of or to oppose a specific agenda item during the Council Meeting on February 10, 2025 may call the live public comment line at 855-695-3475 and press *3 to reach the operator. The public call-in line opens at 6 p.m. on the day of the Council Meeting. Individuals will be placed in the queue on a first-come, first-served basis determined by the time the individual's call is received. 

Individuals calling to comment on agenda items must call in and be in the queue before the City Clerk reads the agenda item title. Once the agenda item title is read, no additional calls for that item will be accepted.


Regular Council Meetings

Aurora City Council meetings are generally conducted on two Mondays every month at 6:30 p.m. in the Aurora Municipal Center's Paul Tauer Aurora City Council Chamber, located at 15151 E. Alameda Parkway. City Council meetings are hybrid, with the option for city council to attend in person at the Aurora Municipal Center or via teleconference. Agendas packets, minutes, and voting results are available at the bottom of this page.

Public Participation

The public is invited to speak during regular council meetings on either agenda items or non-agenda items. Please see the Addressing the City Council page for more information.

View or listen to the meeting:

In-person: Aurora Municipal Center - Paul Tauer Aurora City Council Chamber
Live streamed at and app
Live streamed at
Aurora Comcast cable channels 8 and 880

Study Sessions

No formal legislative action is taken and no quorum is necessary during study sessions. Study sessions focus on arriving at a consensus position for the purpose of developing subsequent legislative action. The City Council will meet in study session at 5:15 p.m. on the same designated Mondays as the regular council meetings. Agenda packets are available at the bottom of this page.

View or listen to the meeting:

Members of the public are invited to view or listen to study sessions using the following options:

Live streamed in the Aurora Municipal Center - Paul Tauer Aurora City Council Chamber
Live streamed at and app
Live streamed at
Aurora Comcast cable channels 8 and 880

2025 Council Meeting Calendar

Sign up for email alerts:

To receive notifications on all new items:

  1. Click on the "Subscribe" button located at the top right corner of the box above.
  2. Provide a title for the alert (for example, "Aurora Council Meeting Notices") and your email address.
  3. Select an email frequency (immediately, daily or weekly)
  4. Click "Add Alert."

To receive notifications for specific items:

  1. Select the related folder above (for example, click on "Agenda Packets" if you would like to receive notification only when new agenda packets are posted).
  2. Click on the "Subscribe" button located at the top right corner of the box above.
  3. Provide a title for the alert (for example, "Aurora council meeting notices") and your email address.
  4. Select an email frequency (immediately, daily or weekly).
  5. Click "Add Alert."


Document Accessibility

Please know that, while the city is working to make all information accessible, the council meeting packets may include information such as plat maps, site plans for development projects, architectural plans, scanned handwritten documents, and other highly visual materials provided by third parties outside of the city. If someone needs this material in an alternative format to fully access the information, please contact us at our webform or email us at [email protected] and let us know how best to assist you.

City Contracts Pending Approval

Every week, the Office of Purchasing Services posts a report to Aurora City Council outlining procurement actions. The report is usually posted to on Mondays.

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