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Aurora Fire Rescue Celebrates Groundbreaking of Station 17 on Oct. 16

Groundbreaking of Fire Station 17 set for Oct. 16
Posted on 10/11/2019
Aurora Fire Rescue News Release

Aurora Fire Rescue will celebrate the groundbreaking of the city’s newest fire station at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 16. The new Station No. 17 will be at North Robertsdale Street and East First Place in northeast Aurora.

Remarks will be made by Aurora’s Fire Chief Fernando M. Gray Sr. and other local partners. Following the ceremony, the groundbreaking will take place on the construction site located within the Harmony development.

“The Station 17 Groundbreaking demonstrates that our agency continues to expand in order to adequately respond to the needs of all of our residents,” Gray said. “We are very excited by the fact that this event follows the recent grand opening of new Fire Station No. 16 and the soon-to-be completed Station No. 5. Our community members and our elected officials value and are committed to public safety, and these new facilities will ensure excellent service to the growing northeast corridor.”

Initially, Station No. 17 will accommodate one engine company with a minimum of four emergency personnel (to include one paramedic) who will reside in a specially designed home in the neighborhood. The cost of this home is approximately $800,000 and will be owned by the city of Aurora rather than the traditional lease model. 

This new station is a product of collaboration between Aurora City Council, Aurora Fire Rescue, Melcor (developer), Richmond (builder), local homeowner associations and the city of Aurora Public Works Department. This joint effort to build a new station will ensure timely response to calls for service in the Adonea, Traditions, Cross Creek and Harmony neighborhoods.

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