The Colorado Association of Libraries (CAL) recently awarded Aurora Public Library the 2022 Colorado Library Project of the Year Award for Aurora Scholars - a city program that recognizes Aurora-area students for their academic excellence and contributions to their community through their actions, kindness and involvement.
The Aurora Public Library, the force behind Aurora Scholars since its inception in 2009, revitalized the program for 2022 and hosted the celebration at the Aurora Central Library, where this year’s Aurora Scholars were recognized, surrounded by their families before city and school leadership. In total, more than 2,100 people attended four ceremonies held in two evenings.
“This is a prestigious recognition by public library peers for the incredible work done this year by Aurora Public Library staff to innovate the Aurora Scholars program and serve the students of this community so well,” said Library and Cultural Services Director Midori Clark.
The library will be honored at the awards Sept. 9 luncheon during the CAL Conference.