Civil Plan Submittals

Packet to be used for Pre-submittal and Plan review to determine completeness of submittal.
Civil Plan Submittal Form
Civil Plan Submittal Pre-Acceptance Checklist
The city has updated its Civil Plan Submittal intake process effective June 26, 2023. A Civil Plan pre-submittal is no longer required.
Civil Plan Submittal Instructions:
Applicants need to submit the Civil Plan Submittal Form to the Permit Center via [email protected] to open a system portal.
Civil plans will be accepted for review when both of the following are satisfied.
Preliminary Drainage Report/Letter (PDR/PDL) is “approved” or at “signature set requested.
Site Plan is at "Ready for ADM Decision" or "Ready for PC". Please monitor the status of your project before submitting to the Permit Center team ( [email protected] ). Reach out to your ODA Project Manager if you have questions.
Applicants can view the status of these docs in their respective upload portals (i.e. Site Plan portal for Site Plans, and PW/Engineering Document Review for PDR/PDL). At the top of the portal, the project name, status, and RSN are listed: Project Name | Status | RSN. Additionally, you can click “My Projects” to the left, and see an overview of all your projects and statuses.
-For Site Plan, status must read as one of the following: Ready for ADM Decision, Ready for PC, Need Tech Subm, Tech Referral Sent, Need Final Mylars, Approved, Retired, or Approved and Retired.
-For PDR/PDL, status must read as one of the following: Signature Set Requested, Signature Set Review, Signature Set Returned to P.O.C., or Approved
Image for reference

Permit Center will create a system folder, and portal for the applicant to upload Civil Plan submittal documents (plans/reports).
The completed Civil Plan Submittal Pre-Acceptance Checklist must be uploaded into the portal at this stage.
Be sure to click SUBMIT at the bottom of the portal page when you are done uploading your documents. Once all documents have been uploaded, please return to the Application tab, check the boxes at the bottom of the pages under Submit Application and click the ‘Submit’ button in order to complete the file upload process.
Once a complete civil plan submittal has been confirmed, the Permit Center will distribute to the various departments for Pre-Acceptance Review. This review timeframe is 2 business days (at close of business of second day).
The Permit Center will provide correspondence via email indicating if your application needs additional materials or that it is in review.
If all departments indicate that submittal is ready for first review, the review will be opened for the first review.
If one or more department(s) determines that they are missing information in the submittal, the project will be returned, requesting a resubmittal. The applicant will need to upload revised documents to the system to start another pre-acceptance review.
Invoices are required to be paid prior to second review.
Civil Plan submittals include: civil plan set, final drainage report, SWMP report/plans, Stormwater Management Facility Inspection & Maintenance Plan (I&M Plan), Black Forest Tree Protection Plan, Structural Calcs, etc.
Please contact Civil Plan Submittals at 303.739.7420 or email [email protected] for questions regarding the updated process.
Civil Plan Revisions and Request for Civil Plan Approval Extensions

Applicants requiring approved civil plan extensions are required to submit a letter to the City Engineer requesting an extension. The letter needs to include the EDN and a Professional Engineering stamp of Engineer of Record. If original professional engineer is not submitting request, please complete an Authorization to Revise Form as well. Approved Civil Plan extension requests must be submitted to the Permit Center via email to [email protected]

Pavement Design Submittal Checklist
To submit a pavement report, please email the Pavement Design Submittal Checklist to [email protected] to have a portal opened.