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Northwest Aurora Mobility Study

25th Avenue Sidewalk Widening Project

Thanks to everyone who attended the Feb. 23 meeting on the planned design and construction of a 10-foot pedestrian boulevard on 25th Avenue. This will be built on the north side of the road between Fulton Street and Iola Street.

If you missed the meeting, the meeting slide presentation is now available.

Northwest Aurora Mobility Project Updates

  • Stop sign reorientations completed in 2019
  • 23th Avenue bike lane improvements completed in 2020
  • 25th Avenue Pedestrian Boulevard project in progress
    -Awarded Denver Regional Council of Governments Transportation Improvement Project grant funding in 2019
    -Currently in design phase
    -Construction expected to begin in fall 2021

For more information: Carlie Campuzano, Traffic Manager, 303.739.7300, [email protected]

Northwest Aurora is experiencing many changes related to development that are impacting the travel patterns to and through the neighborhood. 

The Northwest Aurora Mobility Study focused on short-term and mid-term improvements to address these changes. The study targeted the area bounded by Peoria Street, Montview Boulevard, Westerly Creek Trail and just south of 26th Avenue.

The project evaluated many factors. These included the operational effectiveness of existing traffic control devices, current and potential future multi-modal connections between the major activity centers and short-term as well as mid-term improvements.

Study recommendations were presented to the Aurora City Council in November 2018.

Study Area

Public and Stakeholder Involvement

Three public meetings have taken place during the study process. The third occurred Aug. 15. The goal of that meeting was to allow residents to review the recommended alternative for possible improvements to walking, biking and driving in northwest Aurora. It was also a goal to discuss the recommendations and next steps. 
View Public Meeting #3 Materials

Asistencia en español
Si habla español y necesita ayuda en revisar los materiales y la encuesta de la primer reunión pública, por favor contacte a Meg Allen al 303.739.7258 o a [email protected].

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