Family Book Club: "Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer" (Chapters 19-27) 
Family Book Club

Welcome to Family Book Club! This is an exciting club for families who love to read and is appropriate for ages 8-15. The books chosen are always within the third to sixth grade level but both younger and older kids have enjoyed them! If your child is younger, I encourage the family to read the book aloud together or listen to the audiobook (if available)!

This month we are reading "Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer" by Kelly Jones. City girl Sophie has no idea what to do when her family moves to a farm they have inherited. Soon things get stranger when she realizes the chickens have superpowers! When a local farmer finds out what the chickens can do and tries to steal them, it’s up to Sophie to keep them safe! Genre: FANTASY.

Unusual Chickens for the Exceptional Poultry Farmer

Chapters 19 (June 18, 2014 later) – 27 (June 26, 2014 to Mr. Brown)
 1. Do you think Sophie could have caught the black streak chicken another way even though she didn’t have tomatoes?
2. Did you know there were so many different kinds of chickens? (Yes, the different breeds are real but the superpowers are not).
3. When Sophie calls Gregory, she uses a very old phone. Below is what it looked like. Have you ever seen a phone like this?'

4. My brother used to draw comics all the time, just like Chris. Sophie likes to draw what is going on in her life as well. How about you?
Next week read chapters 28 (June 26, 2014 to Agnes) -36 (July 10, 2014)! 
We will be having a special virtual event on April 26 at 5 p.m. to meet the author! Register here to receive the WebEx link.
Copies of the book are available for checkout at the Tallyn's Reach Library. Call 303.627.3050 to place a hold.
Copies are also available through Prospector.
Posted by [email protected] On 19 April, 2021 at 3:15 PM  

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