Read Across America (Week 2)
by Stacy
Read Across America is a year-long celebration of all things reading! Starting in August and ending in July, Read Across America is about making time to read with kids and showing how reading is important and fun!
If we are going to create more readers, more writers, people who feel included and recognized, and people who understand that the world is far richer than just their experiences alone, kids need books that are as diverse and complex as the society we live in.
Join us each week as we share more Books Across America! Enjoy the comforts of reading in your own state, or travel the map to explore something new!
Check out this week's book recommendations, featuring stories set in the District of Columbia, Georiga, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky & Louisiana!
See a book you want to read? Click on the title to be taken to our catalog or Prospector to place a hold or borrow instantly!