Readers' Realm: Adventure! (Part 2) 
Readers' Realm

Readers' Realm: Adventure!
with Lisa

The adventure continues! Keep commenting or join in now. 

A new discussion topic will be posted each week through January 27 - then on to a new genre/category.   
Feel free to post as much as you like. Be sure to read others’ comments and respond to them.  Let’s get to it!

Adventures can truly take place anywhere.  Where is your adventure taking place? Tell me about it.  Do you think that’s a good place for adventure?  Is it unique, or is it overused? Please include the title and author of the book you’re reading in your post (some of us want to add to our reading list!) 

The book I’m reading, "The Tomb" by S. A. Bodeen,  starts in ancient Egypt.  But there’s a twist!  The Egypt parts have actually all been a virtual reality simulator.  The two main characters are on a small spaceship that they name the Tomb.  This totally makes sense, as some of the Egyptian activities were not actually from ancient times.  It’s a great setting, as now these two teens are alone in space, heading toward another space craft.  All kinds of things can go wrong.

 The Tomb

What’s happening in your book? 
Posted by [email protected] On 13 January, 2021 at 8:10 AM  

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