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Read It!

May Family Book Club
with Tess

In this club we read middle grade fiction appropriate for ages 6-12, but anyone is welcome if you enjoy children's literature! I will be posting discussion questions weekly based on the book we are reading and I will also provide activities that relate. Please comment on the discussion questions so we can stay connected through reading!

May's book is "Pax" by Sara Pennypacker! Available instantly through hoopla digital as an eBook and an eAudiobook.

Pax by Sara Pennypacker
Discussion Questions - Chapters 1 - 11
1. Pax and Peter have a close relationship. Do you have a pet that you feel close to? Would you travel to find them if they were lost?
2. Do you like that the chapters take turns between Peter and Pax's point of view? 
3. What do you think of the other foxes that Pax meets? Can he trust them?
4. Do you understand why the vixen does not trust Pax?  
5. There is a war starting between the humans, which is why Peter has to go live with his grandfather. Do you think this will be a major theme in the book? Do you think it will keep Peter and Pax apart?

Share your answers to the questions below in the comments and tell us what you think of the book so far! 
Posted by [email protected]  On May 11, 2020 at 2:11 PM 2 Comments
 Want to read along and join the discussion? Check out "A Snicker of Magic" by Natalie Lloyd on Hoopla Digital!

A Snicker of Magic

Share your answers to the questions below in the comments and tell us what you thought of the book! 

Chapters 20-27 + epiloge
- When Felicity and her mama eat the Blackberry Surprise ice cream, they talk about factofabulous memories. Will you share one of your factofabulous memories?
- Aunt Cleo says that only fools run away from what they fear. Do you agree?
- What did Felicity forget at the Duel? What did she do instead?
- What happened at the Duel to break the curse?
- Did you enjoy this book? Why or why not? Give your opinion of the novel!

Vote for the May book!
Vote for the book you would like to read in May by leaving a comment below with the title you want to read! All titles are available instantly from hoopla digital!

"Because of Winn Dixie" by Kate DiCamillo
The summer Opal and her father move to Naomi, Florida, Opal goes into the Winn-Dixie supermarket—and comes out with a dog… named Winn-Dixie. The dog is big and ugly but with a sterling sense of humor. Winn-Dixie is better at making friends than anyone Opal has ever known and she spends all that sweet summer collecting stories about her new friends and thinking about her mother. But because of Winn-Dixie or perhaps because she has grown, Opal learns to let go, just a little, and that friendship—and forgiveness—can sneak up on you like a sudden summer storm.

"The Willoughbys" by Lois Lowry
Abandoned by their ill-humored parents to the care of an odious nanny, Tim, the twins, Barnaby A and Barnaby B, and their sister, Jane, attempt to fulfill their roles as good old-fashioned children. However, it is an unquestionably ruthless act that sets in motion the transformations that lead to their salvation and to happy endings for not only the four children, but their nanny, an abandoned baby, a candy magnate, and his long-lost son too. 

"Pax" by Sara Pennypacker
Pax was only a kit when his family was killed, and “his boy” Peter rescued him from abandonment and certain death. Now the war front approaches, and when Peter’s father enlists, Peter has to move in with his grandpa. Far worse than being forced to leave home is the fact that Pax can’t go. They leave Pax behind but Peter can’t stand the guilt; he packs for a trek to get his best friend back and sneaks into the night. This is the story of Peter, Pax, and their independent struggles to return to one another against all odds.

Posted by [email protected]  On Apr 27, 2020 at 12:45 PM 2 Comments
"A Snicker of Magic" by Natalie Lloyd
Chapters 11 - 19

Want to read along and join the discussion? Check out "A Snicker of Magic" by Natalie Lloyd on Hoopla Digital!

A Snicker of Magic

Discussion Questions:
- Felicity’s talent is to see words; Frannie Jo seems to hear music around her; Mama used to paint and Uncle Boone can see color in music. Do you think Aunt Cleo has a talent? Can you guess what it could be? 

- We now know what "a snicker of magic" means. Do you remember what Jonah said it is?

- Can you think of someone in your life that could use some help from the Beedle? How could the Beedle make a difference? 

- Now that we know Felicity is related to the Threadbare Brothers, do you think her family is cursed? Do you think she’ll be able to figure out how to break the curse?

- Jewell Picket’s Lube & Dye is a mechanic shop AND a beauty parlor. What a weird combination! What kind of combo shop can you think up (two of your passions put together)?

- Make a prediction - do you think Felicity will be able to persuade her mother to paint the Gallery?
Posted by [email protected]  On Apr 20, 2020 at 9:37 AM 1 Comment
Family Book Club with Miss Tess

"A Snicker of Magic" by Natalie Lloyd
Chapters 1 - 10

Want to read along and join the discussion? Check out "A Snicker of Magic" by Natalie Lloyd on Hoopla Digital!
A Snicker of Magic

Discussion Questions

1. From the mother’s story, what kind of magic would you want? (I would want to bake some magic into pies and cakes!)

2. Have you ever been the new kid(s) at school? Can you relate with Felicity and Frannie Jo?

3. Chocolate chip pork rind ice cream?? Yuck! What flavors would YOU create at Dr. Zook’s Ice Cream Parlor?

4. A boy in Felicity’s class asked why they called themselves the Brothers Threadbare. Later, Aunt Cleo tells Felicity “threadbare” means shabby, worn-out, well-used… Felicity’s teacher (Miss Lawson) tells the students they’ll need to figure out why the brothers called themselves that on their own. Do you have any guesses?

5. What would your talent be at a talent show?

6. What do you think of Jonah (the Beedle)?

7. Do you think Roger Pickle will come back?

8. What do you think of Oliver Weatherly, owner of Dr. Zook’s and original Beedle?

9. If Oliver offered you Blackberry Sunrise ice cream, would you take it? Why or why not?

10. Do you think the last sentence in chapter 10 is foreshadowing? That means when something is stated early in the book and comes true later on. 

11. What are you enjoying most about this book so far? Any predictions you would like to make?

Comment from Miss Tess: I love the silly words used in this book. Like Felicity says, “Why the hayseed you call yourself a Beedle…?” and “too spindiddly an offer to pass up.” It would be fun to be like Felicity and write down all the words we like from this novel!
Posted by [email protected]  On Apr 13, 2020 at 8:59 AM 2 Comments
Read It!
Family Book Club 
by Tess

The April book pick is A Snicker of Magic by Natalie Lloyd. 
A Snicker of Magic

'Midnight Gulch used to be a magical place, a town where people could sing up thunderstorms and dance up sunflowers. But that was before the curse drove the magic away. Felicity and her nomadic mother arrive in Midnight Gulch and feel their luck may be about to change. Felicity must figure out how to bring back the magic by breaking the spell that's been cast over the town and her mother's heart.' 

Log on to to borrow a copy online, instantly, with your library card.
Don't have a library card? Click here to get a virtual one!

Reading schedule:
April 1-12: Chapters 1-10 (Questions posted on Monday, April 13)
April 13-19: Chapters 11-19 (Questions posted on Monday, April 20)
April 20-26: Chapters 20-27 + epilogue (Questions and activity posted on Monday, April 27)

I hope you enjoy this book! Let's read! 
Posted by [email protected]  On Apr 06, 2020 at 12:47 PM
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