Reader's Realm: Fantasy
with Lisa
The fantasy continues! Keep commenting or join in now.
A new discussion topic will be posted each week from now through February 24. Then, on to a new genre/category!
Feel free to post as much as you like. You’ll have to click on the title of the post to get to the comment page. Be sure to read others’ comments and respond to them. Let’s get to it!
The group traveling together in my book, the boy, Princess Anne, Plain Anne, and the goblin have a lot of adventures. What adventures or difficulties are your characters facing? Does it fit with the fantasy idea? Please include the title and author of the book you’re reading in your post (some of us want to add to our reading list!)
In "The Goblin’s Puzzle" by Andrew S. Chilton the group faces many trials, both independently and as a team. The boy and the goblin escape slavery, Plain Anne escapes a dragon, the boy bests an ogre, the team saves Princess Anne from that same dragon, and now they are in a terrible position with the Duke, who may be a sorcerer, who wants to marry the princess, take control of the lands, and just get rid of the boy, Plain Anne, her father, and the goblin. I like the different fantasy creatures that have entered the story; it keeps it lively. How will they get out of this jam? I guess I’ll have to keep reading.
What’s happening in your book?
Family Book Club: "Kazu Jones and the Denver Dognappers" by Shauna Holyoak
with Tess
Welcome to Family Book Club! This is an exciting club for families who love to read and is appropriate for ages 8-15. The books chosen are always within the third to sixth grade level but both younger and older kids will enjoy them! If your child is younger, I encourage the family to read the book aloud together or listen to the audiobook (if available)!

In February, we will be reading "Kazu Jones and the Denver Dognappers" by Shauna Holyoak. This is a fun mystery set in Denver, Colorado! Kazu Jones sets out on a mission to discover who is dognapping all the pooches of the city!
We will be having a special virtual event on March 1 at 5 p.m. to meet the author, Shauna Holyoak, on WebEx! Register here to receive the WebEx link.
This event is in collaboration with Jefferson County Public Library (JCPL) and their Young Reader's Book Club.
Copies of the book are available for checkout at Tallyn's Reach Library. If this is not your home branch, please put the book on hold via the catalog or give us a call at 303.627.3050. Copies are also available through JCPL and Prospector.
Discussion Questions for Chapters 11-21
1. The evidence March finds on Mr. Crowley's computer is suspicious. Do you think he's involved with the dognappings or just interested in the case?
2. Do you think Mr. Crowley knows what Kazu and March did?
3. Kazu has been lying and keeping secrets, which makes her tummy hurt. Has this ever happened to you?
4. Do you think doing wrong things (computer hacking, garbage looting) makes up for a good thing (potentially stopping the dognappings)?
5. Are you more or less convinced that Mr. Crowley is involved after their conversation at the bus?
Share your thoughts in the comments below and read chapters 22-32 for next week's discussion!

Mental Health Spotlight: Addiction
Resources listed are for informational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat a condition without the guidance of a mental health professional. If you or someone you know is having a mental health emergency, please call 911 or Colorado Crisis Services at 1.844.493.TALK.
Hey teens! Interested in mental health?
Each month the Aurora Public Library focuses on a different topic related to mental health. Swing by the Aurora Central Library's teen area to browse YA novels and nonfiction related to the monthly topic. Whether you or someone you know is facing a mental health issue, or you are just interested in the topic, APL has information, resources and reading materials for you.
Remember, your mental health matters.
This month’s Mental Health Spotlight is on addiction.
ad·dic·tion: the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing or activity.
- When Does Something Become an Addiction
- Concerned you may be abusing substances? Take a self-assessment quiz to see how your habits and usage may be influencing your life.
Having an addiction does not make you a bad person.
- What does addiction feel like?
- Many people think of addiction in terms of substances, like drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. These substance addictions are severe and very common. This article breaks down the top 10 in this category.
- However, behavioral addictions, while often overlooked, can seriously impact a person’s life. Some examples include gambling, shopping, food, sex, internet/social media. Check out this article for more examples of behavioral addictions.
Recovery is possible.
- Are you struggling with an addiction? Support groups can be helpful. Learn about different types of support groups here.
- Find a support group meeting.
- Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Aurora for teens & online Alcoholics Anonymous meetings
Is someone you know struggling with an addiction?
Parents, significant others, family members and friends who are battling an addiction can cause stress, anxiety, fear and isolation to those who love them. You are not alone. Al-Alon and Ala-Teen offer resources and support groups to those affected by someone who is addicted. Visit their website for more information.
Real teens share their stories of addiction
Meet Hailey
Meet Michael
Meet Savannah
Meet Tyelur
Substance use resources for teens
- 7 Things People in Addiction Recovery Wish You Knew
- 23 Recovering Addicts Share The One Thing They Wish People Understood About Their Addictions
- How to Talk About Addiction with a friend or loved one
- How to Help an Addicted Friend or Relative
Explore Young Adult novels that address addiction
For more resources for all ages, visit the nonfiction department at your local library and look for call number 362.292. Resources are also available at Aurora Mental Health.
Check back in March for our next Mental Health Spotlight!
Bookworms Nature Book Club
Aurora Public Library is happy to announce Bookworms Nature Book Club - a new book club, made possible through a partnership with the city of Aurora Parks, Recreation and Open Space Naturalist Team and the Sand Creek Regional Greenway Partnership.
Just like the pages of a book, our natural world is full of wonder! Join us each month as we share stories, explore natural phenomena and discuss our monthly book selection. This book club meets virtually once a month, with occasional, safe in-person gatherings - so we can discuss while enjoying the beauty of nature firsthand!

This month, Bookworms will be meeting on Saturday, Feb. 20 from 3 - 4:30 p.m. to discuss "The Soul of an Octopus" by Sy Montgomery. Click here for a reading guide.
Why read about octopus? While they don’t live in Sand Creek, they do open our understanding of the intelligence and capabilities of animals. It is a great read!
Bookworms is free to attend, but registration is required to receive the link to log on. Register here.
(February 14) On Friday, January 22, 2021, at approximately 12:34 p.m., Aurora police officers responded to a homicide on North Beeler Street and East Colfax Avenue where one adult male was found dead.
The Aurora Police Major Crimes/Homicide Unit is announcing the arrest of Jerome Deshun Johnson (DOB: 10/11/1986). Johnson was arrested on Friday February 12, 2021 and has been charged with Colorado Revised Statute 18-3-102 Murder in the First Degree in relation to this homicide. The booking photo for Johnson has been provided with this news release.
This homicide is being prosecuted by the 17th Judicial District Attorney’s Office and any additional media inquiries should be directed there.
We continue to encourage anyone with information about this homicide to call Denver Metro Crime Stoppers at 720.913.STOP (7867) where tips are anonymous and may be eligible for a reward of up to $2,000.
Officer Crystal McCoy
Media Relations Unit

(January 22, 2021) On Friday January 22, 2021, at approximately 12:34 p.m., Aurora police officers responded to the southeast corner of North Beeler Street and East Colfax Avenue on multiple reports of a shooting.
Upon arrival officers located an adult male with an apparent gunshot wound in a vehicle. The male was pronounced deceased at the scene.
Investigators from the Major Crimes/Homicide Unit responded to the scene and are actively investigating to gain more information on a suspect(s) and what led up to the fatal shooting.
The identity of the deceased will be released by the Adams County Coroner’s Office after he has been positively identified, and his next-of-kin have been notified.
Anyone with information about this homicide is encouraged to call Denver Metro Crime Stoppers at 720.913.STOP (7867) where tips are anonymous and may be eligible for a reward of up to $2,000.
Officer Crystal McCoy
Media Relations Unit
This afternoon Chief of Police Vanessa Wilson terminated the employment of Officer Robert Rosen for using excessive force during an arrest.
On August 10, 2020 Officer Rosen responded to the King Soopers store located at 6412 South Parker Road to assist a fellow officer who was in contact with an uncooperative man who he was attempting to arrest for trespassing. The officer who was requesting assistance was on the ground with the man who was passively resisting by laying on his stomach and keeping his arms underneath him. When Officer Rosen arrived he briefly tried to get the man's arm out without giving any verbal orders. He then escalated the situation by punching the man multiple times in his ribs. He deployed his Taser a total of five times, for a total of 27 seconds in a two minute period. During the arrest Officer Rosen never attempted any lesser means of force nor did he make any attempts to deescalate the situation in accordance with Aurora Police training.
The man received minor injuries during the arrest, he was released to paramedics who transported him to a local hospital for evaluation and treatment.
In accordance with Department Directives a use of force investigation was immediately initiated by a patrol supervisor who reported and documented his concerns about Officer Rosen's actions. This incident was then reviewed by the department's Force Review Board who recommended that it be investigated by the Internal Affairs Bureau for potential directive violations.
During the Use of Force and Internal Affairs Investigation it was discovered that Officer Rosen had failed to activate his body worn camera when he arrived on scene and failed to document his justifications for each use of force that he used during the arrest. During the discipline review process Officer Rosen was sustained for violating the following Department Directives:
5.3: Use of Physical Force
14.2.15: Unsatisfactory Performance
16.4.3: Body Worn Camera Operation
5.8.10: Taser
14.1.1 Lawful Orders
The District Attorney's Office for the 18th Judicial District completed a criminal review of this incident resulting in no criminal charges being filed against Officer Rosen.
“Members of the Aurora Police Department have been working tirelessly to rebuild trust in our community and I want to thank those officers who do it right everyday. The actions of Mr. Rosen were in direct contradiction of those efforts," said Chief Vanessa Wilson. “The poor decisions he made that day do not meet the high standards that the community and I expect from my officers.”
Mr. Rosen was hired in 2017 and was last assigned to District 3 Patrol. In 2020 Officer Rosen received a 10 hour suspension for Lawful Orders.
Internal Affairs Investigation Summary of Evidence
Order of Discipline
In the interest of transparency we are releasing the body worn camera footage which shows the vantage point of the original officer on scene.
WARNING: This body worn camera footage may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.
Lieutenant Chris Amsler
Commanding Officer
Media Relations Unit

Looking for Romance? We can help you make a match!
From beautiful tragedy to a second-chance romance; from catching real feelings from a fake relationship to enemies turned lovers – there’s a Romance story for everyone! Check out some suggested reads and even more below!
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Reader's Realm: Fantasy
with Lisa
The fantasy continues! Keep commenting or join in now.
A new discussion topic will be posted each week from now through February 24. Then on to a new genre/category.
Feel free to post as much as you like. Be sure to read others’ comments and respond to them. Let’s get to it!
Fantasy often takes place in another land or another time. This can let the author really get descriptive, which makes for some good reading. What is described really well in your book? If you don't have an example, maybe write a descriptive example of your own about something in your story. Please include the title and author of the book you’re reading in your post (some of us want to add to our reading list!)
In my story, "The Goblin’s Puzzle" by Andrew S. Chilton, the goblin actually turns out to be a pretty good guy! I was surprised. The goblin can grant three wishes or vows, but the boy doesn’t quite know how to ask. The goblin helps him. An ogre is introduced to the story, and he is described SO well: “He looked something like a man, but lumpy and misshapen, as if a child had made him out of clay...HIs mouth had a collection of teeth that looked as if they had been casually tossed in there” (70). I wonder if the ogre, who seems so brutal and mean, will turn out being helpful like the goblin? I guess I’ll find out.
What’s happening in your book?

Looking for a new read? Librarian Nicole shares book recommendations for Hogwarts alumni based on their houses!
Check out the titles below (or click here) for Hogwarts alumni (adults) and current Hogwarts students (children & teens)! Each book cover links to our catalog for easy checkout with your library card.
Let us know in the comments your Hogwarts house and favorite book!
Join us for a week full of DIYs, trivia, discussions, contest & more celebrating the Wizarding World with #HarryPotterBookWeek! Follow us on social media and visit our website for more details.

Reader's Realm: Fantasy
with Lisa
Welcome to the Readers’ Realm. This month’s genre: FANTASY! Plan to read your book in about a month. A new discussion topic will be posted each Wednesday from now through February 24. Then on to a new genre/category!
Feel free to post as much as you like. You’ll have to click on the title of the post to get to the comment page. Be sure to read others’ comments and respond to them. Let’s get to it:
We know fantasy most times has magical or mystical creatures. From your book’s cover and title, what kind of creatures do you think will be in the story? If no creatures, what kind of magical elements do you think you’ll find?
Please include the title and author of the book you’re reading in your post.
I’m reading "The Goblin’s Puzzle: Being the Adventures of a Boy with No Name and Two Girls Called Alice" by Andrew S. Chilton. Obviously, a goblin will be in the story as it’s in the title. A dragon is also pictured on the cover. There’s also a castle and a small village, so it seems as if it’s going to take place in a fairy tale type land. Maybe the kids have to solve the Goblin’s Puzzle to save someone/something? I’ll have to find out!
What’s happening in your book?
Need help finding a book? Check out some of these recommendations!