Reader's Realm: Sports
with Lisa
Play on, sports! Keep commenting or join in now.
A new discussion topic will be posted each week from now through March 24. Then on to a new genre/category.
Feel free to post as much as you like. (Click on the title of the post to get to the comment page. Be sure to read others’ comments and respond to them.)
Let’s get to it!
One important thing about most sports is teamwork. How does teamwork figure into your story? If yours is an individual sport, is there some kind of group the athlete/character belongs to? What do you think about belonging to a team? Please include the title and author of the book you’re reading in your post.
In "Gabby Garcia’s Ultimate Playbook" by Iva-Marie Palmer, Gabby gives up baseball, her sport, after her new team decides she is a jinx. She joins the field hockey team, which has a terrible record, and accidentally joins a non-sport team, a talent showcase. Being on a team is very important to Gabby, but not only being on a team, but being the best on the team, the Golden Child. She’s not that at any of the teams she’s on, but she can’t see that just being a useful part is as good as being the best. She seems like she’s going to fail, big time.
What’s happening in your book?

Welcome to Make & Learn! In this program, our librarians will be sharing easy-to-make games and activities that support cognitive development and practicing early literacy skills. In this video, Miss Sara shares some fun activities using pom poms!

Welcome to Family Book Club! This is an exciting club for families who love to read and is appropriate for ages 8-15. The books chosen are always within the third to sixth grade level but both younger and older kids have enjoyed them! If your child is younger, I encourage the family to read the book aloud together or listen to the audiobook (if available)!
This month we are reading "The Puzzling World of Winston Breen" by Eric Berlin. This is a fun mystery, full of puzzles that you can solve along with Winston, and the prize is treasure! Below is a suggested reading schedule. Every Monday, visit this blog to help guide your reading!
Chapters 1-5
- Do you like solving puzzles? Do you prefer letter or number puzzles or riddles?
- Have you been able to solve any of the puzzles so far? (Remember the answers are at the back of book!)
- Do you have any guesses as to what the birthday box puzzle means?
- Why did Mrs. Lewis get so upset when she saw the puzzle pieces?
- Do you think David North and Mickey Glowacka are trustworthy?
- It is nice that Winston and Katie’s dad is on board with the treasure hunt plan. Do you think they will be safe?
Next week read chapters 6-10!
We will be having a special virtual event on March 29 at 5 p.m. to meet the author! Register here to receive the WebEx link.
This event is in collaboration with Jefferson County Public Library and their Young Reader's Book Club. Copies of the book are available for checkout at the Tallyn's Reach Library. Please call 303.627.3050 if you'd like to put one on hold to be picked up at a different branch. Copies are also available through JCPL and Prospector.

Bunny Bottom Decor
with Karen
Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail!
Celebrate the arrival of spring by making cute DIY bunny décor with these tutorials from Karen!
(March 12) On Friday, March 12, 2021, at about 10:12 a.m., Aurora police officers responded to a traffic crash on southbound Interstate 225 just north of East Colfax Avenue.
The initial traffic investigation suggested a 44-year-old woman traveling southbound on Interstate 225 in a maroon Cadillac SUV experienced a medical episode and crashed. Newly developed information has revealed a steel projectile, from an unknown origin, entered the Cadillac through the driver side window striking the driver, who was the sole occupant of the SUV. This caused the Cadillac to collide with another vehicle causing minor damage to that vehicle. The Cadillac continued on and collided with a concrete divider barrier.
The woman was transported to an area hospital where tragically she succumbed to her injuries. It is not yet clear if the woman died as a result of the crash into the concrete divider barrier, the injury sustained from the steel projectile or a combination of the two. Alcohol, drugs nor speed were contributing factors of the crash.
The identity of the deceased will be released by the Adams County Coroner's Office after a positive identification has been made, and his next-of-kin has been notified.
We are asking anyone who may have witnessed this crash, has dash cam footage, or if you have any information about this incident, please contact the Metro Denver Crime Stoppers at 720.913.STOP (7867).
Officer Crystal McCoy
Public Information Officer
Aurora Police Department
by Stacy
Ready for an at-home spa day? Treat yourself with this quick and easy DIY bath salts recipe!

Join us each week as we learn about the different letter of the month, each week focusing on a different activity or skill!
March's letter of the month is I and the word of the month is ICE CREAM!

Read Across America (Week 2)
by Stacy
Read Across America is a year-long celebration of all things reading! Starting in August and ending in July, Read Across America is about making time to read with kids and showing how reading is important and fun!
If we are going to create more readers, more writers, people who feel included and recognized, and people who understand that the world is far richer than just their experiences alone, kids need books that are as diverse and complex as the society we live in.
Join us each week as we share more Books Across America! Enjoy the comforts of reading in your own state, or travel the map to explore something new!
Check out this week's book recommendations, featuring stories set in the District of Columbia, Georiga, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky & Louisiana!
See a book you want to read? Click on the title to be taken to our catalog or Prospector to place a hold or borrow instantly!

Reader's Realm: Sports
with Lisa
Play on, sports! Keep commenting or join in now.
A new discussion topic will be posted each week from now through March 24. Then on to a new genre/category.
Feel free to post as much as you like. Click on the title of the post to get to the comment page. Be sure to read others’ comments and respond to them. Let’s get to it:
What has been the best sport’s action moment of your book so far? Describe it as best you can. Please include the title and author of the book you’re reading in your post.
My book, "Gabby Garcia’s Ultimate Playbook" by Iva-Marie Palmer, has been using a lot of sports analogies for everything. Gabby sees the world through her sport, baseball, so it seems natural she’d describe everything that way. The best sport's bit so far is kind of funny and sad. Gabby wants to be a part of her new school's baseball team, but they’ve already started their season. She goes to a practice waiting for a moment to run on the field and show her stuff. When she does this, to catch a fly ball, she plows right into another player, giving her a bloody nose. It’s funny because I can see someone doing something like this to get herself noticed, but it’s sad that this is what she thinks she has to do instead of talking to the coach or asking to play.
What’s happening in your book?

Welcome to Family Book Club! This is an exciting club for families who love to read and is appropriate for ages 8-15. The books chosen are always within the third to sixth grade level but both younger and older kids have enjoyed them! If your child is younger, I encourage the family to read the book aloud together or listen to the audiobook (if available)!
This month we are reading "The Puzzling World of Winston Breen" by Eric Berlin. This is a fun mystery, full of puzzles that you can solve along with Winston, and the prize is treasure! Below is a suggested reading schedule. Every Monday, visit this blog to help guide your reading!
Monday, March 8 - Sunday, March 14: Chapters 1-5
Monday, March 15 - Sunday, March 21: Chapters 6-10
Monday, March 22 - Sunday, March 28: Chapters 11-15
We will be having a special virtual event on March 29 at 5 p.m. to meet the author! Register here to receive the WebEx link.
This event is in collaboration with Jefferson County Public Library and their Young Reader's Book Club. Copies of the book are available for checkout at the Tallyn's Reach Library. Please call 303.627.3050 if you'd like to put one on hold to be picked up at a different branch. Copies are also available through JCPL and Prospector.